What are you going to be doing?
just wanted some of my new friends to send out the good vibes for me.
its about 2:15 and i have an interview at 3:00. i am soooooooooo nervous.
been looking for about 7 months now.
What are you going to be doing?
thanks dude, .
just want to email you.. cheers.
dark knight
Don't listen to her reborn, they are in Cahoots, it's a trick.
Just kiddin
this board has been a wonderful experience.
first i would like to thank everyone for tolerating my relentless criticisms.
and i also do appreciate all the criticisms that were returned.
Edited by - Been There on 6 October 2002 20:1:10
this board has been a wonderful experience.
first i would like to thank everyone for tolerating my relentless criticisms.
and i also do appreciate all the criticisms that were returned.
You're Welcome
my surgery (hysterectomy) is scheduled for this friday and i'm getting really nervous.........nervous that the cancer may have spread, nervous about the pain, nervous about what i'm going to go through mentally, physically and emotionally afterwards (i guess i'll be going through the change of life real quick).
i've done pretty good so far: am trying to keep positive, eating right, exercising (i've lost 15 lbs!
), meditating, and i'm going on tuesday to someone who does reiki (i think that's how you spell it).
Mary, Email me, I'll talk to you.
Been There, done that. Better to talk off board.
Edited by - been there on 6 October 2002 19:25:22
i am writing this more for myself than just hurt so deeply... my hubby has been an elder for 20+ status is baptized,,no.
meetings, association ect for over one year now... we were watching the news,,and pres.
bush was talking about the u.n.. with genuine concern and in all honesty i stated that i did not know how.
Vent away Ugg. It may help you feel better, physically and mentally. Feeling alittle trapped are you? It can cause a great deal of frustration. I speak from experiance. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Best Wishes to you.
i'm soooo confused!!!
i grew up in the 'truth'.
about 4 years ago my parents divorced.
Dear Santa,
Welcome to the board, hang around and alot of your confusion should go away. IMO this is your chance to just walk away. Alot of people have felt the guilt, myself included, I didn't know then what I know about them now. If I had I wouldn't have let them have my time. Since you were making up excuses to not go to meetings you must not have wanted to go. Are you trying to protect the feelings of the lady that studied with you, more then your own? Don't! She will get over it and go on to someone else. Get though college right now. You will be busy. If it still bugs you when you get out then try again.
a little advise if possible.. i do suffer on and off from depression and am at present engaging in a warfare to overcome these problems, as unfortunately i have become bogged down with negativity again.. have any of you here used medication prescribed by your gp and if so, was it effective for you?
also, did you suffer any side effects from the use of the medication?.
i am interested as my gp has offered to put me on a course of anti-depressants, but to say i am fearful, is to understate how i feel about the use of prescribed drugs.
I wish you could bring your self to take some medicine. It would help you not to suffer soooooo.
Sounds like you have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder also, along with the depression. I suffer from depression and panic attacks. I am a pill phobic also so I know how hard it is to take pills. I have sat in the doctors office and taken new medicine before. Zoloft is good for depression (for me anyway) and the panic attacks, good for OCD too. It has no major side effects (I do get diarrea when I first start it but that goes away after a few days). When I start taking it, the bad days aren't so bad, then there are some good days with the bad days, then there are some bad days with the good days, then bad times in the good days, then it's mostly good, good days. I'm not a zombie at all, it's not mind altering, it's not habit forming. It starts out with a small dose 25mg. a day for a week, then 50mg. for a couple weeks, then 100mg., I'm on 100mg. now. My theory is they do this to minimize any side effects. The doctor has samples of pills, don't waste money if you won't like them or take them. Please don't suffer. All the other advise is good, exercize, eating right, therapy etc. but it's all hard to do if you can't get started. Medicine will help take the edge off to let you do all the other things. Don't waste your life suffering when there is so much help for you. In the oldin days people suffered their whole life because there was not the drugs to help them, or they where classed as insane and put away. Those same people now could live normal lives with the medicines out there for these disorders.
Sorry I got carried away. Good luck, I'm rootin for ya.
why we dont tell(apologies for this veeery long post).. i cant even express how much i am behind silentlambs right now though i may be overly concerned by the latest letter sent out im sure bb knows what hes doing and all will become clear, and even if its a mistake then we have to allow for mistakes as long as they dont cost lives like wt mistakes do.
bb is only a man and hed be the first to admit that.. i know the majority of people on this board totally understand why an abused child doesnt tell they have been abused straight away, as far as i know there has only been one buff here that suggested all abused people should speak out straight away or not expect help later simply because someone touched them!
like all of you i switched off to this jw clown but began wondering how many more people or jdubs are taking such a pathetic outlook (very few i guess).
Very good post Brummie. You did a great job of explainning and bringing some insight to this issue. Good job, thank you.
i expect no other grandparents to admit to this but here is a photo of little maddie from monday when she was giving grandpa some lip.
i put her in a chair across from me when i'm watching her and she loves to chatter away.
maddie is 7 months old now.. .
She is so cute, that picture makes her look like the GERBER baby if you haven't noticed. My favorite grandbaby is 4 now. Her nick name is Doodle Bug. Dobug for short. She's not as cute as yours, she looked like Charlie brown forever, she is finally starting to grow into her head (and get some hair) but she is smart as can be and has a great imagination. If I had a scanner I'd show you a picture.